
17th May 2007

Version 0.4 released. This version contains a few new features, but is mainly a consolidation release. The source code (available from sourceforge) has gone through a major transformation Things are now much more obhject oriented which will make future changes easier.

Changes in this version include:

  • Fixed loading from Zip files
  • MP3 & Ogg Music Player
  • Auto key repeat
  • "Shift" keys
  • UTF-8 Support for foreign languages
  • built in Config routines

3rd April 2007

Finally got Donation system organised.

After being asked by several people how they can make a donation to Greader2x, I've finally succumbed and set up a Paypal account. Anyone interested can make a donation either by using the "Support this project" button in the header of this page, or by sending it directly to

23rd March 2007

Version 0.3 released to the community, Sourceforge project set up and website created.

Changes in this version include:

  • Background images
  • Multiple keys for each action
  • Gutenburg paragraph collapsing
  • New progress bar
  • Page Up/Down works in file selector
  • Text Justification
  • Screen rotation
  • Zip archive handling Logo